CMMI Version 2.0 and 3.0 Search Utility -- NO LONGER AVAILABLE

The CMMI Institute at ISACA now prohibits sharing CMMI practices publically, as of October 28, 2024
For nearly *any* CMMI content, you must now buy a license from the CMMI Institute at ISACA

This page being left in place in the event ISACA decides to reverse or revise this new policy

Covers: CMMI for Development, and/or Services, and/or Acquisition Includes: Views, Categories, Capability Areas, Practice Areas, Practices, and Required Statements

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NOTE: This utility is using CMMI 2.0, Release 2.2
(published by the CMMI Institute on March 10, 2021, the most current version)

If you are interested in CMMI v1.3 for systems/software, a search utility for CMMI-DEV v1.3 is available. Likewise, for CMMI v1.3 service organizations, a search utility for CMMI-SVC v1.3 is available.

October 27, 2024; Utility Release 23
This utility is NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
Always confirm results with the official CMMI model, available from ISACA.

The purpose of this page is to facilitate the investigation and study of relationships between and among the publicly-available contents of the Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI, Version 2.0. Use the Preference Table (below) to establish your search criteria, then click the "Search CMMI" button below the Preference Table. A separate window or tab will open with the search results. (The same window will be used for subsequent search displays.)

Please note: this page is in early development and currently only contains process area titles, Intent statements, Value statement, and Practice statements.

Results produced from this site should be compared to the actual CMMI 2.0, which is available from ISACA. Similarly, the full content of the CMMI 2.0 framework is accessible via an online annual subscription from the CMMI Institute (starting at $50.00 US for a trial version). Additional details on the CMMI Model Viewer are available at CMMI Institute Model Viewer page.

Feedback and suggestions for improvements to this search site are certainly welcome and can be sent to (or use the contact information at


Step 1: Scroll past the preference table (below) until you see the button for: [Search CMMI 2.0 and show results]
Step 2: Click or press the button to initiate the search
Step 3: Review the results, including: Practice Area titles (and acronyms), Intent, Value, and Practice statements
Step 4: Return to this tab/page (Preference Table) and
            (a) Exclude what does not interest you (e.g., Intent statements, one or more Capability Areas, etc.)
            (b) Add what might interest you (i.e., uncheck the box for [Exclude Capability Area titles]
Step 5: Keep cycling between Steps 3 and 4 until you have something that you find to be a bit useful

 (Empty search fields return all content) 
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
 Search for (1):
 Search for (2):
 Search for (3):
 Exclude results from one
 or more Maturity Levels?
 (Use checkboxes to exclude)
Exclude Maturity Level 5 Practice Areas
Exclude Maturity Level 4 Practice Areas
Exclude Maturity Level 3 Practice Areas
Exclude Maturity Level 2 Practice Areas
 Exclude results from one
 or more Group Levels?
 (Use checkboxes to exclude)
Exclude Group 5 Practices
Exclude Group 4 Practices
Exclude Group 3 Practices
Exclude Group 2 Practices
Exclude Group 1 Practices
 Exclude results from one
 or more types of content?
 (Use checkboxes to exclude)
Exclude Capability Area titles
Exclude Practice Area titles
Exclude Intent statements
Exclude Value statements
Exclude Additional Required Info statements
Exclude Practice statements
 Exclude results from one
 or more Categories?
 (Use checkboxes to exclude)
Exclude Doing category
Exclude Managing category
Exclude Enabling category
Exclude Improving category
 Exclude results from one
 or more Capability Areas?
 (Use checkboxes to exclude)
Exclude Ensuring Quality
Exclude Engineering and Developing Products 
Exclude Delivering and Managing Services
Exclude Selecting and Managing Suppliers
Exclude Planning and Managing Work
Exclude Managing Business Resilience
Exclude Managing the Workforce
Exclude Supporting Implementation
Exclude Sustaining Habit and Persistence
Exclude Improving Performance
 Exclude results from one
 or more Practice Areas?
 (Use checkboxes to exclude)
xRDM  xPQA    xVV    xPR
xTS      xPI   
xSSS    xSAM  
xEST    xPLAN  xMC 
xRSK   xIRP       xCONT
xCAR   xDAR    xCM
xGOV   xII 
xPCM   xPAD    xMPM
 CMMI results page font size: Largest
Medium Large
Medium Small [Default]
 Show full header to each record? Yes, show full header
No, only show PA abbreviation [Default]
 Remove blank lines? 
 (Use checkboxes to exclude)
Exclude blank line before Practice titles
Exclude blank line after Practice titles
Exclude blank line after Practice Areas
 Order the Process Area results:  Same as At-A-Glance brochure [Default] 
Alphabetically, by PA abbreviation 


Please note that the current algorithms do not attempt to identify or correct illogical combinations of input fields.

Additionally, this search utility interface preserves the rather horrible 1980's era web page design of the previous CMM and CMMI search utilities. This might make transition from the other search utilities to this one a bit easier for legacy users. (And yes, the CMMI--and it's predecessor frameworks--have been around for quite some time.)

Generally, if you want to display all available contents, leave the "Search for..." boxes blank. From there, it is fairly easy to start excluding things that you don't want included on your display. You can, for example, exclude the practices at Maturity Level 5 and Maturity Level 4 if you elect to focus only on Maturity Levels 2 and 3. Similarly, you can exclude different types of content, etc.

Also, there are some simple options for adjusting some of the cosmetic aspects of the display such as inclusion or removal of blank lines, removing the record 'header' information, adjusting font size, etc.

Observations and/or recommendations regarding this CMMI 2.0 Search Page are certainly welcome.

Additionally, if you are involved in implementing the CMMI, Abridge Technology has been assisting companies and government agencies with the successful design, implementation, deployment, and institutionalization of CMM-compliant processes since 1992, and CMMI-compliant processes since 2000.

Please check the Abridge Technology homepage for additional information regarding training, consulting, planning, evaluation, appraisal, and support services, and for links to useful websites, resources, and free tools. And be sure to check the Publications tab. It'll give you additional insights into Abridge Technology's expertise and history, as reflected by publications, conference presentations, and tutorials.

If you see any publications or presentations of interest, please feel free to ask for a complementary copy or for additional information.

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