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1637 records scanned. Unique Matches=1637. Total Matches=4851.
(Please note: All results should be verified against the actual CMMI, which is available free from: www.sei.cmu.edu)
SUMMARY: All Results...
L2[E][REQM]{AT}Requirements Management
L2[E][REQM]{PS}The purpose of Requirements Management (RM) is to manage the requirements of the project's products and product components and to identify inconsistencies between those requirements and the project's plans and work products.
L2[E][REQM]{GT}SG 1, Manage Requirements
L2[E][REQM]{GC}SG 1, Requirements are managed and inconsistencies with project plans and work products are identified.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Obtain an Understanding of Requirements
L2[E][REQM]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Develop an understanding with the requirements providers on the meaning of the requirements.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}SP 1.2-2, Obtain Commitment to Requirements
L2[E][REQM]{PC}SP 1.2-2, Obtain commitment to the requirements from the project participants.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Manage Requirements Changes
L2[E][REQM]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Manage changes to the requirements as they evolve during the project.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}SP 1.4-2, Manage Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements
L2[E][REQM]{PC}SP 1.4-2, Maintain bidirectional traceability among the requirements and the project plans and work products.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}SP 1.5-1, Identify Inconsistencies Between Project Work and Requirements
L2[E][REQM]{PC}SP 1.5-1, Identify inconsistencies between the project plans and work products and the requirements.
L2[E][REQM]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L2[E][REQM]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the requirements management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L2[E][REQM]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L2[E][REQM]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the requirements management process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the requirements management process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the requirements management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the requirements management process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the requirements management process as needed.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the requirements management process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the requirements management process as planned.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the requirements management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the requirements management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the requirements management process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L2[E][REQM]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L2[E][REQM]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined requirements management process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the requirements management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L2[E][REQM]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L2[E][REQM]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the requirements management process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the requirements management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L2[E][REQM]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L2[E][REQM]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the requirements management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L2[E][REQM]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L2[E][REQM]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the requirements management process.
L2[M][PP]{AT}Project Planning
L2[M][PP]{PS}The purpose of Project Planning (PP) is to establish and maintain plans that define project activities.
L2[M][PP]{GT}SG 1, Establish Estimates
L2[M][PP]{GC}SG 1, Estimates of project planning parameters are established and maintained.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Estimate the Scope of the Project.
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish a top-level work breakdown structure (WBS) to estimate the scope of the project.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Establish and maintain estimates of the attributes of the work products and tasks.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Define Project Life Cycle
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Define the project life-cycle phases on which to scope the planning effort.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Estimate the project effort and cost for the work products and tasks based on estimation rationale.
L2[M][PP]{GT}SG 2, Develop a Project Plan
L2[M][PP]{GC}SG 2, A project plan is established and maintained as the basis for managing the project.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Establish the budget and schedule
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Establish and maintain the project's budget and schedule.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Identify Project Risks
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Identify and analyze project risks.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Plan for Data Management
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Plan for the management of project data.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 2.4-1, Plan for Project Resources
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 2.4-1, Plan for necessary resources to perform the project.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 2.5-1, Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 2.5-1, Plan for knowledge and skills needed to perform the project.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 2.6-1, Plan Stakeholder Involvement
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 2.6-1, Plan the involvement of identified stakeholders.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 2.7-1, Establish the Project Plan
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 2.7-1, Establish and maintain the overall project plan content.
L2[M][PP]{GT}SG 3, Obtain Commitment to the Plan
L2[M][PP]{GC}SG 3, Commitments to the project plan are established and maintained.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Review Plans That Affect the Project
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Review all plans that affect the project to understand project commitments.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 3.2-1, Reconcile Work and Resource Levels
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 3.2-1, Reconcile the project plan to reflect available and estimated resources.
L2[M][PP]{PT}SP 3.3-1, Obtain Plan Commitment
L2[M][PP]{PC}SP 3.3-1, Obtain commitment from relevant stakeholders responsible for performing and supporting plan execution.
L2[M][PP]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L2[M][PP]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the project planning process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L2[M][PP]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L2[M][PP]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the project planning process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the project planning process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the project planning process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the project planning process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the project planning process as needed.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the project planning process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the project planning process as planned.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the project planning process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the project planning process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the project planning process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L2[M][PP]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L2[M][PP]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined project planning process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the project planning process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L2[M][PP]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L2[M][PP]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the project planning process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the project planning process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L2[M][PP]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L2[M][PP]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the project planning process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L2[M][PP]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L2[M][PP]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the project planning process.
L2[M][PMC]{AT}Project Monitoring and Control
L2[M][PMC]{PS}The purpose of Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) is to provide an understanding of the project's progress so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken when the project's performance deviates significantly from the plan.
L2[M][PMC]{GT}SG 1, Monitor Project Against Plan
L2[M][PMC]{GC}SG 1, Actual performance and progress of the project are monitored against the project plan.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Monitor Project Planning Parameters
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Monitor the actual values of the project planning parameters against the project plan.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Monitor Commitments
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Monitor commitments against those identified in the project plan.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Monitor Project Risks
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Monitor risks against those identified in the project plan.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Monitor Data Management
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Monitor the management of project data against the project plan.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 1.5-1, Monitor Stakeholder Involvement
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 1.5-1, Monitor stakeholder involvement against the project plan.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 1.6-1, Conduct Progress Reviews
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 1.6-1, Periodically review the project's progress, performance, and issues.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 1.7-1, Conduct Milestone Reviews
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 1.7-1, Review the accomplishments and results of the project at selected project milestones.
L2[M][PMC]{GT}SG 2, Manage Corrective Action to Closure
L2[M][PMC]{GC}SG 2, Corrective actions are managed to closure when the project's performance or results deviate significantly from the plan.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Analyze Issues
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Collect and analyze the issues and determine the corrective actions necessary to address the issues.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Take Corrective Action
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Take corrective action on identified issues.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Manage Corrective Actions
L2[M][PMC]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Manage corrective actions to closure.
L2[M][PMC]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L2[M][PMC]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the project monitoring and control process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L2[M][PMC]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L2[M][PMC]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the project monitoring and control process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the project monitoring and control process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the project monitoring and control process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the project monitoring and control process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the project monitoring and control process as needed.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the project monitoring and control process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the project monitoring and control process as planned.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the project monitoring and control process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the project monitoring and control process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the project monitoring and control process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L2[M][PMC]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L2[M][PMC]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined project monitoring and control process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the project monitoring and control process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L2[M][PMC]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L2[M][PMC]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the project monitoring and control process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the project monitoring and control process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L2[M][PMC]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L2[M][PMC]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the project monitoring and control process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L2[M][PMC]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L2[M][PMC]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the project monitoring and control process.
L2[M][SAM]{AT}Supplier Agreement Management
L2[M][SAM]{PS}The purpose of Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) is to manage the acquisition of products from suppliers for which there exists a formal agreement.
L2[M][SAM]{GT}SG 1, Establish Supplier Agreements
L2[M][SAM]{GC}SG 1, Agreements with suppliers are established and maintained.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Determine Acquisition Type
L2[M][SAM]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Determine the type of acquisition for each product or product component to be acquired.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Select Suppliers
L2[M][SAM]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Select suppliers based on an evaluation of their ability to meet the specified requirements and established criteria.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Establish Supplier Agreements
L2[M][SAM]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Establish and maintain formal agreements with the supplier.
L2[M][SAM]{GT}SG 2, Satisfy Supplier Agreements
L2[M][SAM]{GC}SG 2, Agreements with the suppliers are satisfied by both the project and the supplier.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Review COTS Products
L2[M][SAM]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Review candidate COTS products to ensure that they satisfy the specified requirements that are covered under a supplier agreement.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Execute the Supplier Agreement
L2[M][SAM]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Perform activities with the supplier as specified in the supplier agreement.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Accept the Acquired Product
L2[M][SAM]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Ensure the supplier agreement is satisfied before accepting the acquired product.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}SP 2.4-1, Transition Products
L2[M][SAM]{PC}SP 2.4-1, Transition the acquired products from the supplier to the project.
L2[M][SAM]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L2[M][SAM]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the supplier agreement management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L2[M][SAM]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L2[M][SAM]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the supplier agreement management process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the supplier agreement management process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the supplier agreement management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the supplier agreement management process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the supplier agreement management process as needed.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the supplier agreement management process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the supplier agreement management process as planned.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the supplier agreement management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the supplier agreement management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the supplier agreement management process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L2[M][SAM]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L2[M][SAM]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined supplier agreement management process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the supplier agreement management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L2[M][SAM]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L2[M][SAM]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the supplier agreement management process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the supplier agreement management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L2[M][SAM]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L2[M][SAM]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the supplier agreement management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L2[M][SAM]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L2[M][SAM]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the supplier agreement management process.
L2[S][MA]{AT}Measurement and Analysis
L2[S][MA]{PS}The purpose of Measurement and Analysis (MA) is to develop and sustain a measurement capability that is used to support management information needs.
L2[S][MA]{GT}SG 1, Align Measurement and Analysis Activities
L2[S][MA]{GC}SG 1, Measurement objectives and activities are aligned with identified information needs and objectives.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish Measurement Objectives
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain measurement objectives that are derived from identified information needs and objectives.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Specify Measures
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Specify measures to address the measurement objectives.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Specify how measurement data will be obtained and stored.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Specify Analysis Procedures
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Specify how measurement data will be analyzed and reported.
L2[S][MA]{GT}SG 2, Provide Measurement Results
L2[S][MA]{GC}SG 2, Measurement results that address identified information needs and objectives are provided.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Collect Measurement Data
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Obtain specified measurement data.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Analyze Measurement Data
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Analyze and interpret measurement data.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Store Data and Results
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Manage and store measurement data, measurement specifications, and analysis results.
L2[S][MA]{PT}SP 2.4-1, Communicate Results
L2[S][MA]{PC}SP 2.4-1, Report results of measurement and analysis activities to all relevant stakeholders.
L2[S][MA]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L2[S][MA]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the measurement and analysis process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L2[S][MA]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L2[S][MA]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the measurement and analysis process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the measurement and analysis process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the measurement and analysis process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the measurement and analysis process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the measurement and analysis process as needed.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the measurement and analysis process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the measurement and analysis process as planned.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the measurement and analysis process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the measurement and analysis process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the measurement and analysis process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L2[S][MA]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L2[S][MA]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined measurement and analysis process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the measurement and analysis process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L2[S][MA]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L2[S][MA]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the measurement and analysis process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the measurement and analysis process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L2[S][MA]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L2[S][MA]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the measurement and analysis process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L2[S][MA]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L2[S][MA]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the measurement and analysis process.
L2[S][PPQA]{AT}Process and Product Quality Assurance
L2[S][PPQA]{PS}The purpose of Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) is to provide staff and management with objective insight into processes and associated work products.
L2[S][PPQA]{GT}SG 1, Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products
L2[S][PPQA]{GC}SG 1, Adherence of the performed process and associated work products and services to applicable process descriptions, standards, and procedures is objectively evaluated.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Objectively Evaluate Processes
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Objectively evaluate the designated performed processes against the applicable process descriptions, standards, and procedures.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services
L2[S][PPQA]{GT}SG 2, Provide Objective Insight
L2[S][PPQA]{GC}SG 2, Noncompliance issues are objectively tracked and communicated, and resolution is ensured.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issues
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Communicate quality issues and ensure resolution of noncompliance issues with the staff and managers.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Establish Records
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Establish and maintain records of the quality assurance activities.
L2[S][PPQA]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L2[S][PPQA]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the process and product quality assurance process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L2[S][PPQA]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L2[S][PPQA]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the process and product quality assurance process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the process and product quality assurance process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the process and product quality assurance process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process and product quality assurance process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the process and product quality assurance process as needed.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the process and product quality assurance process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the process and product quality assurance process as planned.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the process and product quality assurance process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the process and product quality assurance process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the process and product quality assurance process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L2[S][PPQA]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L2[S][PPQA]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined process and product quality assurance process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the process and product quality assurance process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L2[S][PPQA]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L2[S][PPQA]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the process and product quality assurance process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the process and product quality assurance process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L2[S][PPQA]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L2[S][PPQA]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the process and product quality assurance process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L2[S][PPQA]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L2[S][PPQA]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the process and product quality assurance process.
L2[S][CM]{AT}Configuration Management
L2[S][CM]{PS}The purpose of Configuration Management (CM) is to establish and maintain the integrity of work products using configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting, and configuration audits.
L2[S][CM]{GT}SG 1, Establish Baselines
L2[S][CM]{GC}SG 1, Baselines of identified work products are established.
L2[S][CM]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Identify Configuration Items
L2[S][CM]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Identify the configuration items, components, and related work products that will be placed under configuration management.
L2[S][CM]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Establish a Configuration Management System
L2[S][CM]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Establish and maintain a configuration management and change management system for controlling work products.
L2[S][CM]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Create or Release Baselines
L2[S][CM]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Create or release baselines for internal use and for delivery to the customer.
L2[S][CM]{GT}SG 2, Track and Control Changes
L2[S][CM]{GC}SG 2, Changes to work products under configuration management are tracked and controlled.
L2[S][CM]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Track Change Requests
L2[S][CM]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Track change requests for the configuration items.
L2[S][CM]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Control Configuration Items
L2[S][CM]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Control changes to the configuration items.
L2[S][CM]{GT}SG 3, Establish Integrity
L2[S][CM]{GC}SG 3, Integrity of baselines is established and maintained.
L2[S][CM]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Establish Configuration Management Records
L2[S][CM]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Establish and maintain records describing configuration items.
L2[S][CM]{PT}SP 3.2-1, Perform Configuration Audits
L2[S][CM]{PC}SP 3.2-1, Perform configuration audits to maintain integrity of the configuration baselines.
L2[S][CM]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L2[S][CM]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the configuration management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L2[S][CM]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L2[S][CM]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the configuration management process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the configuration management process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the configuration management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the configuration management process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the configuration management process as needed.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the configuration management process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the configuration management process as planned.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the configuration management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the configuration management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the configuration management process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L2[S][CM]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L2[S][CM]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined configuration management process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the configuration management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L2[S][CM]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L2[S][CM]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the configuration management process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the configuration management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L2[S][CM]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L2[S][CM]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the configuration management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L2[S][CM]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L2[S][CM]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the configuration management process.
L3[E][RD]{AT}Requirements Development
L3[E][RD]{PS}The purpose of Requirements Development (RD) is to produce and analyze customer, product, and product-component requirements.
L3[E][RD]{GT}SG 1, Develop Customer Requirements
L3[E][RD]{GC}SG 1, Stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces are collected and translated into customer requirements.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Collect Stakeholder Needs
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Identify and collect stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces for all phases of the product life cycle.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 1.1-2, Elicit Needs
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 1.1-2, Elicit stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces for all phases of the product life cycle.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Develop the Customer Requirements
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Transform stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces into customer requirements.
L3[E][RD]{GT}SG 2, Develop Product Requirements
L3[E][RD]{GC}SG 2, Customer requirements are refined and elaborated to develop product and product-component requirements.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Establish Product and Product-Component Requirements
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Establish and maintain product and product-component requirements, which are based on the customer requirements.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Allocate Product-Component Requirements
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Allocate the requirements for each product component.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Identify Interface Requirements
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Identify interface requirements.
L3[E][RD]{GT}SG 3, Analyze and Validate Requirements
L3[E][RD]{GC}SG 3, The requirements are analyzed and validated, and a definition of required functionality is developed.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Establish Operational Concepts and Scenarios
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Establish and maintain operation concepts and associated scenarios.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 3.2-1, Establish a Definition of Required Functionality
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 3.2-1, Establish and maintain a definition of required functionality.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 3.3-1, Analyze Requirements
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 3.3-1, Analyze requirements to ensure that they are necessary and sufficient.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 3.4-3, Analyze Requirements to Achieve Balance
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 3.4-3, Analyze requirements to balance stakeholder needs and constraints.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 3.5-1, Validate Requirements
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 3.5-1, Validate requirements to ensure the resulting product will perform appropriately in its intended-use environment.
L3[E][RD]{PT}SP 3.5-2, Validate Requirements with Comprehensive Methods
L3[E][RD]{PC}SP 3.5-2, Validate requirements to ensure the resulting product will perform as intended in the user's environment using multiple techniques as appropriate.
L3[E][RD]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[E][RD]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the requirements development process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[E][RD]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[E][RD]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the requirements development process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the requirements development process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the requirements development process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the requirements development process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the requirements development process as needed.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the requirements development process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the requirements development process as planned.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the requirements development process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the requirements development process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the requirements development process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[E][RD]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[E][RD]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined requirements development process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the requirements development process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[E][RD]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[E][RD]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the requirements development process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the requirements development process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[E][RD]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[E][RD]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the requirements development process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[E][RD]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[E][RD]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the requirements development process.
L3[E][TS]{AT}Technical Solution
L3[E][TS]{PS}The purpose of Technical Solutions (TS) is to design, develop, and implement solutions to requirements. Solutions, designs, and implementations encompass products, product components, and product-related life-cycle processes either singly or in combination as appropriate.
L3[E][TS]{GT}SG 1, Select Product-Component Solutions
L3[E][TS]{GC}SG 1, Product or product-component solutions are selected from alternative solutions.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Develop Alternative Solutions and Selection Criteria
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Develop alternative solutions and selection criteria.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 1.1-2, Develop Detailed Alternative Solutions and Selection Criteria
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 1.1-2, Develop detailed alternative solutions and selection criteria.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 1.2-2, Evolve Operational Concepts and Scenarios
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 1.2-2, Evolve the operational concept, scenarios, and environments to describe the conditions, operating modes, and operating states specific to each product component.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Select Product-Component Solutions
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Select the product-component solutions that best satisfy the criteria established.
L3[E][TS]{GT}SG 2, Develop the Design
L3[E][TS]{GC}SG 2, Product or product-component designs are developed.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Design the Product or Product Component
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Develop a design for the product or product component.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 2.2-3, Establish a Technical Data Package
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 2.2-3, Establish and maintain a technical data package.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Establish Interface Descriptions
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Establish and maintain the solution for product-component interfaces.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 2.3-3, Design Interfaces Using Criteria
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 2.3-3, Design comprehensive product-component interfaces in terms of established and maintained criteria.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 2.4-3, Perform Make, Buy, or Reuse Analysis
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 2.4-3, Evaluate whether the product components should be developed, purchased, or reused based on established criteria.
L3[E][TS]{GT}SG 3, Implement the Product Design
L3[E][TS]{GC}SG 3, Product components, and associated support documentation, are implemented from their designs.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Implement the Design
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Implement the designs of the product components.
L3[E][TS]{PT}SP 3.2-1, Develop Product Support Documentation
L3[E][TS]{PC}SP 3.2-1, Develop and maintain the end-use documentation.
L3[E][TS]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[E][TS]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the technical solution process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[E][TS]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[E][TS]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the technical solution process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the technical solution process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the technical solution process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the technical solution process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the technical solution process as needed.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the technical solution process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the technical solution process as planned.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the technical solution process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the technical solution process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the technical solution process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[E][TS]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[E][TS]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined technical solution process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the technical solution process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[E][TS]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[E][TS]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the technical solution process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the technical solution process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[E][TS]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[E][TS]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the technical solution process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[E][TS]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[E][TS]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the technical solution process.
L3[E][PI]{AT}Product Integration
L3[E][PI]{PS}The purpose of Product Integration (PI) is to assemble the product from the product components, ensure that the product, as integrated, functions properly, and deliver the product.
L3[E][PI]{GT}SG 1, Prepare for Product Integration
L3[E][PI]{GC}SG 1, Preparation for product integration is conducted.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Determine Integration Sequence
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Determine the product-component integration sequence.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 1.2-2, Establish the Product Integration Environment
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 1.2-2, Establish and maintain the environment needed to support the integration of the product components.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 1.3-3, Establish Product Integration Procedures and Criteria
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 1.3-3, Establish and maintain the procedures and criteria for integration of the product components.
L3[E][PI]{GT}SG 2, Ensure Interface Compatibility
L3[E][PI]{GC}SG 2, The product-component interfaces, both internal and external, are compatible.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Review Interface Descriptions for Completeness
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Review interface descriptions for coverage and completeness.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Manage Interfaces
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Manage internal and external interface definitions, designs, and changes for products and product components.
L3[E][PI]{GT}SG 3, Assemble Product Components and Deliver the Product
L3[E][PI]{GC}SG 3, Verified product components are assembled and the integrated, verified, and validated product is delivered.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Confirm Readiness of Product Components for Integration
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Confirm, prior to assembly, that each product component required to assemble the product has been properly identified, functions according to its description, and that the product-component interfaces comply with the interface descriptions.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 3.2-1, Assemble Product Components
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 3.2-1, Assemble product components according to the product integration sequence and available procedures.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 3.3-1, Evaluate Assembled Product Components
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 3.3-1, Evaluate assembled product components for interface compatibility.
L3[E][PI]{PT}SP 3.4-1, Package and Deliver the Product or Product Components
L3[E][PI]{PC}SP 3.4-1, Package the assembled product or product component and deliver it to the appropriate customer.
L3[E][PI]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[E][PI]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the product integration process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[E][PI]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[E][PI]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the product integration process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the product integration process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the product integration process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the product integration process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the product integration process as needed.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the product integration process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the product integration process as planned.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the product integration process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the product integration process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the product integration process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[E][PI]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[E][PI]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined product integration process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the product integration process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[E][PI]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[E][PI]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the product integration process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the product integration process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[E][PI]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[E][PI]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the product integration process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[E][PI]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[E][PI]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the product integration process.
L3[E][VER]{PS}The purpose of Verification (VER) is to ensure that selected work products meet their specified requirements.
L3[E][VER]{GT}SG 1, Prepare for Verification
L3[E][VER]{GC}SG 1, Preparation for verification is conducted.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Select Work Products for Verification
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Select the work products to be verified and the verification methods that will be used for each.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 1.2-2, Establish the Verification Environment
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 1.2-2, Establish and maintain the environment needed to support verification.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 1.3-3, Establish Verification Procedures and Criteria
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 1.3-3, Establish and maintain verification procedures and criteria for the selected work products.
L3[E][VER]{GT}SG 2, Perform Peer Reviews
L3[E][VER]{GC}SG 2, Peer reviews are performed on selected work products.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Prepare for Peer Reviews
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Prepare for peer reviews of selected work products.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Conduct Peer Reviews
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Conduct peer reviews on selected work products and identify issues resulting from the peer review.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 2.3-2, Analyze Peer Review Data
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 2.3-2, Analyze data about preparation, conduct, and results of the peer reviews.
L3[E][VER]{GT}SG 3, Verify Selected Work Products
L3[E][VER]{GC}SG 3, Selected work products are verified against their specified requirements.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Perform Verification
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Perform verification on the selected work products.
L3[E][VER]{PT}SP 3.2-2, Analyze Verification Results and Identify Corrective Action
L3[E][VER]{PC}SP 3.2-2, Analyze the results of all verification activities and identify corrective action.
L3[E][VER]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[E][VER]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the verification process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[E][VER]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[E][VER]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the verification process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the verification process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the verification process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the verification process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the verification process as needed.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the verification process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the verification process as planned.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the verification process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the verification process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the verification process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[E][VER]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[E][VER]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined verification process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the verification process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[E][VER]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[E][VER]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the verification process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the verification process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[E][VER]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[E][VER]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the verification process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[E][VER]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[E][VER]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the verification process.
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the organizational innovation and deployment process.
L3[E][VAL]{PS}The purpose of Validation (VAL) is to demonstrate that a product or product component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment.
L3[E][VAL]{GT}SG 1, Prepare for Validation
L3[E][VAL]{GC}SG 1, Preparation for validation is conducted.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Select Products for Validation
L3[E][VAL]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Select products and product components to be validated and the validation methods that will be used for each.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}SP 1.2-2, Establish the Validation Environment
L3[E][VAL]{PC}SP 1.2-2, Establish and maintain the environment needed to support validation.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}SP 1.3-3, Establish Validation Procedures and Criteria
L3[E][VAL]{PC}SP 1.3-3, Establish and maintain procedures and criteria for validation.
L3[E][VAL]{GT}SG 2, Validate Product or Product Components
L3[E][VAL]{GC}SG 2, The product or product components are validated to ensure that they are suitable for use in their intended operating environment.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Perform Validation
L3[E][VAL]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Perform validation on the selected products and product components.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Analyze Validation Results
L3[E][VAL]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Analyze the results of the validation activities and identify issues.
L3[E][VAL]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[E][VAL]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the validation process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[E][VAL]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[E][VAL]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the validation process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the validation process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the validation process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the validation process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the validation process as needed.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the validation process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the validation process as planned.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the validation process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the validation process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the validation process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[E][VAL]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[E][VAL]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined validation process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the validation process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[E][VAL]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[E][VAL]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the validation process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the validation process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[E][VAL]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[E][VAL]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the validation process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[E][VAL]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[E][VAL]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the validation process.
L3[P][OPF]{AT}Organizational Process Focus
L3[P][OPF]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Process Focus (OPF) is to plan and implement organizational process improvement based on a thorough understanding of the current strengths and weaknesses of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[P][OPF]{GT}SG 1, Determine Process Improvement Opportunities
L3[P][OPF]{GC}SG 1, Strengths, weaknesses, and improvement opportunities for the organization's processes are identified periodically and as needed.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish Organizational Process Needs
L3[P][OPF]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain the description of the process needs and objectives for the organization.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Appraise the Organizations Processes
L3[P][OPF]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Appraise the processes of the organization periodically and as needed to maintain an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Identify the Organization's Process Improvement
L3[P][OPF]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Identify improvements to the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[P][OPF]{GT}SG 2, Plan and Implement Process Improvement Activities
L3[P][OPF]{GC}SG 2, Improvements are planned and implemented, organization process assets are deployed, and process-related experiences are incorporated into the organizational process assets.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Establish Process Action Plans
L3[P][OPF]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Establish and maintain process action plans to address improvements to the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Implement Process Action Plans
L3[P][OPF]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Implement process action plans across the organization.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Deploy Organizational Process Assets
L3[P][OPF]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Deploy organizational process assets across the organization.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}SP 2.4-1, Incorporate Process-Related Experiences into the Organizational Process Assets
L3[P][OPF]{PC}SP 2.4-1, Incorporate process-related work products, measures, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the process into the organizational process assets.
L3[P][OPF]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[P][OPF]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the organizational process focus process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[P][OPF]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[P][OPF]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the organizational process focus process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the organizational process focus process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the organizational process focus process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the organizational process focus process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the organizational process focus process as needed.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the organizational process focus process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the organizational process focus process as planned.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the organizational process focus process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the organizational process focus process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the organizational process focus process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[P][OPF]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[P][OPF]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined organizational process focus process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the organizational process focus process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[P][OPF]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[P][OPF]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the organizational process focus process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the organizational process focus process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[P][OPF]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[P][OPF]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the organizational process focus process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[P][OPF]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[P][OPF]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the organizational process focus process.
L3[P][OPD]{AT}Organizational Process Definition
L3[P][OPD]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Process Definition (OPD) is to establish and maintain a usable set of organizational process assets.
L3[P][OPD]{GT}SG 1, Establish Organizational Process Assets
L3[P][OPD]{GC}SG 1, A set of organizational process assets is established and maintained.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish Standard Processes
L3[P][OPD]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain the organization's set of standard processes.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Establish Life-Cycle Model Description
L3[P][OPD]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Establish and maintain descriptions of the life-cycle models approved for use in the organization.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Establish Tailoring Criteria and Guidelines
L3[P][OPD]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Establish and maintain the tailoring criteria and guidelines for the organization's set of standard processes.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Establish the Organization's Measurement Repository
L3[P][OPD]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Establish and maintain the organization's measurement repository.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish the Organization's Process Asset Library
L3[P][OPD]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain the organization's process asset repository.
L3[P][OPD]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[P][OPD]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the organizational process definition process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[P][OPD]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[P][OPD]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the organizational process definition process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the organizational process definition process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the organizational process definition process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the organizational process definition process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the organizational process definition process as needed.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the organizational process definition process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the organizational process definition process as planned.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the organizational process definition process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the organizational process definition process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the organizational process definition process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[P][OPD]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[P][OPD]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined organizational process definition process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the organizational process definition process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[P][OPD]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[P][OPD]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the organizational process definition process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the organizational process definition process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[P][OPD]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[P][OPD]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the organizational process definition process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[P][OPD]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[P][OPD]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the organizational process definition process.
L3[P][OT]{AT}Organizational Training
L3[P][OT]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Training (OT) is to develop the skills and knowledge of people so they can perform their roles effectively and efficiently.
L3[P][OT]{GT}SG 1, Establish and Organizational Training Capability
L3[P][OT]{GC}SG 1, A training capability that supports the organization's management and technical roles is established and maintained.
L3[P][OT]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish the Strategic Training Needs
L3[P][OT]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain the strategic training needs of the organization.
L3[P][OT]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Determine Which Training Needs Are the Responsibility of the Organization
L3[P][OT]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Determine which training needs are the responsibility of the organization and which will be left to the individual project or support group.
L3[P][OT]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Establish an Organizational Training Tactical Plan
L3[P][OT]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Establish and maintain an organizational training tactical plan.
L3[P][OT]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Establish Training Capability
L3[P][OT]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Establish and maintain training capability to address organizational training needs.
L3[P][OT]{GT}SG 2, Provide Necessary Training
L3[P][OT]{GC}SG 2, Training necessary for individuals to perform their roles effectively is provided.
L3[P][OT]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Deliver Training
L3[P][OT]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Deliver the training following the organizational training tactical plan.
L3[P][OT]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Establish Training Records
L3[P][OT]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Establish and maintain records of the organizational training.
L3[P][OT]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Assess Training Effectiveness
L3[P][OT]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Assess the effectiveness of the organization's training program.
L3[P][OT]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[P][OT]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the organizational training process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[P][OT]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[P][OT]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the organizational training process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the organizational training process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the organizational training process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the organizational training process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the organizational training process as needed.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the organizational training process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the organizational training process as planned.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the organizational training process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the organizational training process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the organizational training process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[P][OT]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[P][OT]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined organizational training process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the organizational training process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[P][OT]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[P][OT]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the organizational training process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the organizational training process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[P][OT]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[P][OT]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the organizational training process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[P][OT]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[P][OT]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the organizational training process.
L3[M][IPM]{AT}Integrated Project Management
L3[M][IPM]{PS}The purpose of Integrated Project Management (IPM) is to establish and manage the project and the involvement of the relevant stakeholders according to an integrated and defined process that is tailored from the organization's set of standard processes. For IPPD, IPM also covers the establishment of a shared vision for the project and a team structure for integrated teams that will carry out the objectives of the project.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}SG 1, Use the Project's Defined Process
L3[M][IPM]{GC}SG 1, The project is conducted using a defined process that is tailored from the organization's set of standard processes.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish the Project's Defined Process
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish the and maintain the project's defined process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Use the Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Use the organizational process assets and measurement repository for estimating and planning the project's activities.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Integrate Plans
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Integrate the project plan and the other plans that affect the project to describe the project's defined process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Manage the Project Using the Integrated Plans
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Manage the project using the project plan, the other plans that affect the project, and the project's defined process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 1.5-1, Contribute to the Organizational Process Assets
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 1.5-1, Contribute work products, measures, and documented experiences to the organizational process assets.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}SG 2, Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders
L3[M][IPM]{GC}SG 2, Coordination and collaboration with relevant stakeholders is conducted.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Manage Stakeholder Involvement
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Manage the involvement of relevant stakeholders in the project.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Manage Dependencies
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Participate with relevant stakeholders to identify, negotiate, and track critical dependencies.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Resolve Coordination Issues
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Resolve issues with relevant stakeholders.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}SG 3, Use the Project's Shared Vision for IPPD
L3[M][IPM]{GC}SG 3, The project is conducted using the project's shared vision.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Define the Project's Shared Vision Context
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Identify expectations, constraints, interfaces, and operational conditions applicable to the project's shared vision.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 3.2-1, Establish the Project's Shared Vision
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 3.2-1, Establish and maintain a shared vision for the project.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}SG 4, Organize Integrated Teams for IPPD
L3[M][IPM]{GC}SG 4, The integrated teams needed to execute the project are identified, defined, structured, and tasked.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 4.1-1, Determine Integrated Team Structure for the Project
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 4.1-1, Determine the integrated team structure that will be meet the project objectives and constraints.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 4.2-1, Develop a Preliminary Distribution of Requirements to Integrated Teams
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 4.2-1, Develop a preliminary distribution of requirements, responsibilities, authorities, tasks, and interfaces to teams in the selected integrated team structure.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}SP 4.3-1, Establish Integrated Teams
L3[M][IPM]{PC}SP 4.3-1, Establish and maintain teams in the integrated team structure.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[M][IPM]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the integrated project management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[M][IPM]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the integrated project management process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the integrated project management process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the integrated project management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the integrated project management process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the integrated project management process as needed.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the integrated project management process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the integrated project management process as planned.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the integrated project management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the integrated project management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the integrated project management process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[M][IPM]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined integrated project management process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the integrated project management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[M][IPM]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the integrated project management process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the integrated project management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[M][IPM]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[M][IPM]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the integrated project management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[M][IPM]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[M][IPM]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the integrated project management process.
L3[M][RSKM]{AT}Risk Management
L3[M][RSKM]{PS}The purpose of Risk Management (RSKM) is to identify potential problems before they occur so that risk-handling activities can be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the product or project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}SG 1, Prepare for Risk Management
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}SG 1, Preparation for risk management is conducted.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Determine Risk Sources and Categories
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Determine risk sources and categories.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Define Risk Parameters
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Define the parameters used to analyze and categorize risk, and the parameters used to control the risk management effort.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Establish a Risk Management Strategy
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Establish and maintain the strategy to be used for risk management.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}SG 2, Identify and Analyze Risks
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}SG 2, Risks are identified and analyzed to determine their relative importance.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Identify Risks
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Identify and document the risks.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Evaluate and categorize each identified risk using defined risk categories and parameters, and determine its relative priority.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}SG 3, Mitigate Risks
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}SG 3, Risks are handled and mitigated, where appropriate, to reduce adverse impacts on achieving objectives.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}SP 3.1-1, Develop Risk Mitigation Plans
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}SP 3.1-1, Develop a risk mitigation plan for the most important risks to the project, as defined by the risk management strategy.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}SP 3.2-1, Implement Risk Mitigation Plans
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}SP 3.2-1, Monitor the status of each risk periodically and implement the risk mitigation plan as appropriate.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the risk management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the risk management process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the risk management process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the risk management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the risk management process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the risk management process as needed.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the risk management process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the risk management process as planned.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the risk management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the risk management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the risk management process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined risk management process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the risk management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the risk management process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the risk management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[M][RSKM]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[M][RSKM]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the risk management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[M][RSKM]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[M][RSKM]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the risk management process.
L3[M][IT]{AT}Integrated Teaming
L3[M][IT]{PS}The purpose of Integrated Teaming (IT) is to form and sustain an integrated team for the development of work products.
L3[M][IT]{GT}SG 1, Establish Team Composition
L3[M][IT]{GC}SG 1, A team composition that provides the knowledge and skills required to deliver the team's products is established and maintained.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Identify Team Tasks
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Identify and define the team's specific internal tasks to generate the team's expected output.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Identify Needed Knowledge and Skills
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Identify the knowledge, skills, and functional expertise needed to perform team tasks.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Assign Appropriate Team Members
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Assign the appropriate personnel to be team members based on required knowledge and skills.
L3[M][IT]{GT}SG 2, Govern Team Operation
L3[M][IT]{GC}SG 2, Operation of the integrated team is governed according to established principles.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Establish a Shared Vision
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Establish and maintain a shared vision for the integrated team that is aligned with any overarching or higher level vision.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Establish a Team Charter
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Establish and maintain a team charter based on the integrated team's shared vision and overall team objectives.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Define Roles and Responsibilities
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Clearly define and maintain each team member's roles and responsibilities.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 2.4-1, Establish Operating Procedures
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 2.4-1, Establish and maintain integrated team operating procedures.
L3[M][IT]{PT}SP 2.5-1, Collaborate among Interfacing Teams
L3[M][IT]{PC}SP 2.5-1, Establish and maintain collaboration among interfacing teams.
L3[M][IT]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[M][IT]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the integrated teaming process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[M][IT]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[M][IT]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the integrated teaming process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the integrated teaming process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the integrated teaming process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the integrated teaming process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the integrated teaming process as needed.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the integrated teaming process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the integrated teaming process as planned.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the integrated teaming process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the integrated teaming process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the integrated teaming process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[M][IT]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[M][IT]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined integrated teaming process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the integrated teaming process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[M][IT]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[M][IT]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the integrated teaming process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the integrated teaming process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[M][IT]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[M][IT]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the integrated teaming process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[M][IT]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[M][IT]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the integrated teaming process.
L3[M][ISM]{AT}Integrated Supplier Management
L3[M][ISM]{PS}The purpose of Integrated Supplier Management is to proactively identify the sources of products that may be used to satisfy the project's requirements and to manage selected suppliers while maintaining a cooperative project-supplier relationship.
L3[M][ISM]{GT}SG 1, Analyze and Select Sources of Products
L3[M][ISM]{GC}SG 1, Potential sources of products that best fit the needs of the project are identified, analyzed, and selected.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Analyze Potential Sources of Products
L3[M][ISM]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Identify and analyze potential sources of products that may be used to satisfy the project's requirements.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Evaluate and Determine Sources of Products
L3[M][ISM]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Use a formal evaluation process to determine which sources of custom-made and off-the-shelf products to use.
L3[M][ISM]{GT}SG 2, Coordinate Work with Suppliers
L3[M][ISM]{GC}SG 2, Work is coordinated with suppliers to ensure the supplier agreement is executed appropriately.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Monitor Selected Supplier Processes
L3[M][ISM]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Monitor and analyze selected processes used by the supplier.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Evaluate Selected Supplier Work Products
L3[M][ISM]{PC}SP 2.2-1, For custom-made products, evaluate selected supplier work products.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Revise the Supplier Agreement or Relationship
L3[M][ISM]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Revise the supplier agreement or relationship, as appropriate, to reflect changes in conditions.
L3[M][ISM]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[M][ISM]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the integrated supplier management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[M][ISM]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[M][ISM]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the integrated supplier management process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the integrated supplier management process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the integrated supplier management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the integrated supplier management process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the integrated supplier management process as needed.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the integrated supplier management process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the integrated supplier management process as planned.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the integrated supplier management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the integrated supplier management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the integrated supplier management process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[M][ISM]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[M][ISM]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined integrated supplier management process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the integrated supplier management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[M][ISM]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[M][ISM]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the integrated supplier management process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the integrated supplier management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[M][ISM]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[M][ISM]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the integrated supplier management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[M][ISM]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[M][ISM]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the integrated supplier management process.
L3[S][DAR]{AT}Decision Analysis and Resolution
L3[S][DAR]{PS}The purpose of Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) is to analyze possible decisions using a formal evaluation process that evaluates identified alternatives against established criteria.
L3[S][DAR]{GT}SG 1, Evaluate Alternatives
L3[S][DAR]{GC}SG 1, Decisions are based on an evaluation of alternatives using established criteria.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish Guidelines for Decision Analysis
L3[S][DAR]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain guidelines to determine which issues are subject to a formal evaluation process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Establish Evaluation Criteria
L3[S][DAR]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Establish and maintain the criteria for evaluating alternatives, and the relative ranking of these criteria.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Identify Alternative Solutions
L3[S][DAR]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Identify alternative solutions to address issues.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Select Evaluation Methods
L3[S][DAR]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Select the evaluation methods.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}SP 1.5-1, Evaluate Alternatives
L3[S][DAR]{PC}SP 1.5-1, Evaluate alternative solutions using the established criteria and methods.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}SP 1.6-1, Select Solutions
L3[S][DAR]{PC}SP 1.6-1, Select solutions from the alternatives based on the evaluation criteria.
L3[S][DAR]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[S][DAR]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the decision analysis and resolution process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[S][DAR]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[S][DAR]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the decision analysis and resolution process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the decision analysis and resolution process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the decision analysis and resolution process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the decision analysis and resolution process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the decision analysis and resolution process as needed.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the decision analysis and resolution process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the decision analysis and resolution process as planned.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the decision analysis and resolution process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the decision analysis and resolution process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the decision analysis and resolution process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[S][DAR]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[S][DAR]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined decision analysis and resolution process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the decision analysis and resolution process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[S][DAR]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[S][DAR]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the decision analysis and resolution process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the decision analysis and resolution process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[S][DAR]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[S][DAR]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the decision analysis and resolution process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[S][DAR]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[S][DAR]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the decision analysis and resolution process.
L3[S][OEI]{AT}Organizational Environment for Integration
L3[S][OEI]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Environment for Integration (OEI) is to provide an Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) infrastructure and manage people for integration.
L3[S][OEI]{GT}SG 1, Provide IPPD Infrastructure
L3[S][OEI]{GC}SG 1, An infrastructure that maximizes the productivity of people and affects the collaboration necessary for integration is provided.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish the Organization's Shared Vision
L3[S][OEI]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain a shared vision for the organization.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Establish an Integrated Work Environment
L3[S][OEI]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Establish and maintain an integrated work environment that supports IPPD by enabling collaboration and concurrent development.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Identify IPPD-Unique Skill Requirements
L3[S][OEI]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Identify the unique skills needed to support the IPPD environment.
L3[S][OEI]{GT}SG 2, Manage People for Integration
L3[S][OEI]{GC}SG 2, People are managed to nurture the integrative and collaborative behaviors of an IPPD environment.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Establish Leadership Mechanisms
L3[S][OEI]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Establish and maintain leadership mechanisms to enable timely collaboration.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Establish Incentives for Integration
L3[S][OEI]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Establish and maintain incentives for adopting and demonstrating integrative and collaborative behaviors at all levels of the organization.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Establish Mechanisms to Balance Team and Home Organization Responsibilities
L3[S][OEI]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Establish and maintain organizational guidelines to balance team and home organization responsibilities.
L3[S][OEI]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L3[S][OEI]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the organizational environment for integration process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L3[S][OEI]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L3[S][OEI]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the organizational environment for integration process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the organizational environment for integration process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the organizational environment for integration process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the organizational environment for integration process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the organizational environment for integration process as needed.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the organizational environment for integration process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the organizational environment for integration process as planned.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the organizational environment for integration process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the organizational environment for integration process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the organizational environment for integration process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L3[S][OEI]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L3[S][OEI]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined organizational environment for integration process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the organizational environment for integration process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L3[S][OEI]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L3[S][OEI]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the organizational environment for integration process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the organizational environment for integration process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[S][OEI]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L3[S][OEI]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the organizational environment for integration process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L3[S][OEI]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L3[S][OEI]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the organizational environment for integration process.
L4[P][OPP]{AT}Organizational Process Performance
L4[P][OPP]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Process Performance (OPP) is to establish and maintain a quantitative understanding of the performance of the organization's set of standard processes in support of quality and process-performance objectives, and to provide the process performance data, baselines, and models to quantitatively manage the organization's projects.
L4[P][OPP]{GT}SG 1, Establish Performance Baselines and Models
L4[P][OPP]{GC}SG 1, Baselines and models that characterize the expected process performance of the organization's set of standard processes are established and maintained.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Select Processes
L4[P][OPP]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Select the processes or process elements in the organization's set of standard processes that are to be included in the organization's process performance analysis.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Establish Process Performance Measures
L4[P][OPP]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Establish and maintain definitions of the measures that are to be included in the organization's process performance analysis.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Establish Quality and Process Performance Objectives
L4[P][OPP]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for quality and process performance for the organization.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Establish Process Performance Baselines
L4[P][OPP]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Establish and maintain the organization's process performance baselines.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}SP 1.5-1, Establish Process Performance Models
L4[P][OPP]{PC}SP 1.5-1, Establish and maintain the process performance models for the organization's set of standard processes.
L4[P][OPP]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L4[P][OPP]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the organizational process performance process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L4[P][OPP]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L4[P][OPP]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the organizational process performance process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the organizational process performance process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the organizational process performance process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the organizational process performance process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the organizational process performance process as needed.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the organizational process performance process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the organizational process performance process as planned.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the organizational process performance process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the organizational process performance process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the organizational process performance process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L4[P][OPP]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L4[P][OPP]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined organizational process performance process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the organizational process performance process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L4[P][OPP]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L4[P][OPP]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the organizational process performance process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the organizational process performance process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L4[P][OPP]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L4[P][OPP]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the organizational process performance process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L4[P][OPP]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L4[P][OPP]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the organizational process performance process.
L4[M][QPM]{AT}Quantitative Project Management
L4[M][QPM]{PS}The purpose of the Quantitative Project Management (QPM) process area is to quantitatively manage the project's defined process to achieve the project's established quality and process-performance objectives.
L4[M][QPM]{GT}SG 1, Quantitatively Manage the Project
L4[M][QPM]{GC}SG 1, The project is quantitatively managed using quality and process-performance objectives.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Establish the Project's Objectives
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Establish and maintain the project's quality and process-performance objectives.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Compose the Defined Process
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Select the subprocesses that compose the project's defined process based on historical stability and capability data.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Select the Subprocesses that Will be Statistically Managed
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Select the subprocesses of the project's defined process that will be statistically managed.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Manage Project Performance
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Monitor the project to determine whether the project's objectives for quality and process performance will be satisfied, and identify corrective action as appropriate.
L4[M][QPM]{GT}SG 2, Statistically Manage Subprocess Performance
L4[M][QPM]{GC}SG 2, The performance of selected subprocesses within the project's defined process is statistically managed.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Select Measurement and Analysis Techniques
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Select the measures and analytical techniques to be used in statistically managing the selected subprocesses.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Apply Statistical Methods to Understand Variation
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Establish and maintain an understanding of the variation of the selected subprocesses using the selected measures and analytical techniques.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Monitor Performance of the Selected Subprocesses
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Monitor the performance of the selected subprocesses to determine their capability to satisfy their quality and process performance objectives, and identify corrective actions as necessary.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}SP 2.4-1, Record Statistical Management Data
L4[M][QPM]{PC}SP 2.4-1, Record statistical and quality management data in the organization's measurement repository.
L4[M][QPM]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L4[M][QPM]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the quantitative project management process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L4[M][QPM]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L4[M][QPM]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the quantitative project management process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the quantitative project management process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the quantitative project management process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the quantitative project management process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the quantitative project management process as needed.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the quantitative project management process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the quantitative project management process as planned.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the quantitative project management process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the quantitative project management process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the quantitative project management process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L4[M][QPM]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L4[M][QPM]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined quantitative project management process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the quantitative project management process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L4[M][QPM]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L4[M][QPM]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the quantitative project management process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the quantitative project management process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L4[M][QPM]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L4[M][QPM]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the quantitative project management process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L4[M][QPM]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L4[M][QPM]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the quantitative project management process.
L5[P][OID]{AT}Organizational Innovation and Deployment
L5[P][OID]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) is to select and deploy incremental and innovative improvements that measurably improve the organization's processes and technologies. The improvement support the organization's quality and process-performance objectives as derived from the organization's business objectives.
L5[P][OID]{GT}SG 1, Select Improvements
L5[P][OID]{GC}SG 1, Process and technology improvements that contribute to meeting quality and process-performance objectives are selected.
L5[P][OID]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Collect and Analyze Improvement Proposals
L5[P][OID]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Collect and analyze process- and technology-improvement proposals.
L5[P][OID]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Identify and Analyze Innovations
L5[P][OID]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Identify and analyze innovative improvements that could increase the organization's quality and process performance.
L5[P][OID]{PT}SP 1.3-1, Pilot Improvements
L5[P][OID]{PC}SP 1.3-1, Pilot process and technology improvements to select which ones to implement.
L5[P][OID]{PT}SP 1.4-1, Select Improvements for Deployment
L5[P][OID]{PC}SP 1.4-1, Select process- and technology-improvement proposals for deployment across the organization.
L5[P][OID]{GT}SG 2, Deploy Improvements
L5[P][OID]{GC}SG 2, Measurable improvements to the organization's processes and technologies are continually and systematically deployed.
L5[P][OID]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Plan the Deployment
L5[P][OID]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Establish and maintain the plans for deploying the selected process and technology improvements.
L5[P][OID]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Manage the Deployment
L5[P][OID]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Manage the deployment of the selected process and technology improvements.
L5[P][OID]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Measure Improvement Effects
L5[P][OID]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Measure the effects of the deployed process and technology improvements.
L5[P][OID]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L5[P][OID]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the organizational innovation and deployment process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L5[P][OID]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L5[P][OID]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the organizational innovation and deployment process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the organizational innovation and deployment process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the organizational innovation and deployment process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the organizational innovation and deployment process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the organizational innovation and deployment process as needed.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the organizational innovation and deployment process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the organizational innovation and deployment process as planned.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the organizational innovation and deployment process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the organizational innovation and deployment process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the organizational innovation and deployment process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L5[P][OID]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L5[P][OID]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined organizational innovation and deployment process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the organizational innovation and deployment process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L5[P][OID]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L5[P][OID]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the organizational innovation and deployment process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the organizational innovation and deployment process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L5[P][OID]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L5[P][OID]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L5[P][OID]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the organizational innovation and deployment process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L5[P][OID]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L5[S][CAR]{AT}Causal Analysis and Resolution
L5[S][CAR]{PS}The purpose of Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) is to identify causes of defects and other problems and to take action to prevent them from occurring in the future.
L5[S][CAR]{GT}SG 1, Determine Causes of Defects
L5[S][CAR]{GC}SG 1, Root causes of defects and other problems are systematically determined.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}SP 1.1-1, Select Defect Data for Analysis
L5[S][CAR]{PC}SP 1.1-1, Select the defects and other problems for analysis.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}SP 1.2-1, Analyze Causes
L5[S][CAR]{PC}SP 1.2-1, Perform causal analysis of selected defects and other problems and propose actions to address them.
L5[S][CAR]{GT}SG 2, Address Causes of Defects
L5[S][CAR]{GC}SG 2, Root causes of defects and other problems are systematically addressed to prevent their future occurrence.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}SP 2.1-1, Implement the Action Proposals
L5[S][CAR]{PC}SP 2.1-1, Implement the selected action proposals that were developed in causal analysis.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}SP 2.2-1, Evaluate the Effect of Changes
L5[S][CAR]{PC}SP 2.2-1, Evaluate the effect of changes on process performance.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}SP 2.3-1, Record Data
L5[S][CAR]{PC}SP 2.3-1, Record causal analysis and resolution data for use across the project and organization.
L5[S][CAR]{GT}GG 1, Achieve Specific Goals
L5[S][CAR]{GC}GG 1, The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 1.1, Perform Base Practices
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 1.1, Perform the base practices of the causal analysis and resolution process to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area.
L5[S][CAR]{GT}GG 2, Institutionalize a Managed Process
L5[S][CAR]{GC}GG 2, The process is institutionalized as a managed process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.1, Establish and Organizational Policy
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.1, Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the causal analysis and resolution process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.2, Plan the Process
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.2, Establish and maintain the plan for performing the causal analysis and resolution process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.3, Provide Resources
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.3, Provide adequate resources for performing the causal analysis and resolution process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.4, Assign Responsibility
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.4, Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the causal analysis and resolution process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.5, Train People
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.5, Train the people performing or supporting the causal analysis and resolution process as needed.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.6, Manage Configurations
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.6, Place designated work products of the causal analysis and resolution process under appropriate levels of configuration management.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.7, Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.7, Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the causal analysis and resolution process as planned.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.8, Monitor and Control the Process
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.8, Monitor and control the causal analysis and resolution process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.9, Objectively Evaluate Adherence
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.9, Objectively evaluate adherence of the causal analysis and resolution process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 2.10, Review Status with Higher Level Management
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 2.10, Review the activities, status, and results of the causal analysis and resolution process with higher level management and resolve issues.
L5[S][CAR]{GT}GG 3, Institutionalize a Defined Process
L5[S][CAR]{GC}GG 3, The process is institutionalized as a defined process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 3.1, Establish a Defined Process
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 3.1, Establish and maintain the description of a defined causal analysis and resolution process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 3.2, Collect Improvement Information
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 3.2, Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the causal analysis and resolution process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.
L5[S][CAR]{GT}GG 4, Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed Process
L5[S][CAR]{GC}GG 4, The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 4.1, Establish Quantitative Objectives for the Process
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 4.1, Establish and maintain quantitative objectives for the causal analysis and resolution process that address quality and process performance based on customer needs and business objectives.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 4.2, Stabilize Subprocess Performance
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 4.2, Stabilize the performance of one or more subprocesses to determine the ability of the causal analysis and resolution process to achieve the established quantitative quality and process-performance objectives.
L5[S][CAR]{GT}GG 5, Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
L5[S][CAR]{GC}GG 5, The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 5.1, Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 5.1, Ensure continuous improvement of the causal analysis and resolution process in fulfilling the relevant business objectives of the organization.
L5[S][CAR]{PT}GP 5.2, Correct Root Causes of Problems
L5[S][CAR]{PC}GP 5.2, Identify and correct the root causes of defects and other problems in the causal analysis and resolution process.
Total matching records, this section: 1637.
(Engine: 0.07, Site: www.rbechtold.com/cmmi07.html, Build: 09-050426)