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1637 records scanned. Unique Matches=25. Total Matches=25.
(Please note: All results should be verified against the actual CMMI, which is available free from: www.sei.cmu.edu)
SUMMARY: All Results...
L5[S][CAR]{PS}The purpose of Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) is to identify causes of defects and other problems and to take action to prevent them from occurring in the future.
L2[S][CM]{PS}The purpose of Configuration Management (CM) is to establish and maintain the integrity of work products using configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting, and configuration audits.
L3[S][DAR]{PS}The purpose of Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) is to analyze possible decisions using a formal evaluation process that evaluates identified alternatives against established criteria.
L3[M][IPM]{PS}The purpose of Integrated Project Management (IPM) is to establish and manage the project and the involvement of the relevant stakeholders according to an integrated and defined process that is tailored from the organization's set of standard processes. For IPPD, IPM also covers the establishment of a shared vision for the project and a team structure for integrated teams that will carry out the objectives of the project.
L3[M][ISM]{PS}The purpose of Integrated Supplier Management is to proactively identify the sources of products that may be used to satisfy the project's requirements and to manage selected suppliers while maintaining a cooperative project-supplier relationship.
L3[M][IT]{PS}The purpose of Integrated Teaming (IT) is to form and sustain an integrated team for the development of work products.
L2[S][MA]{PS}The purpose of Measurement and Analysis (MA) is to develop and sustain a measurement capability that is used to support management information needs.
L3[S][OEI]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Environment for Integration (OEI) is to provide an Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) infrastructure and manage people for integration.
L5[P][OID]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) is to select and deploy incremental and innovative improvements that measurably improve the organization's processes and technologies. The improvement support the organization's quality and process-performance objectives as derived from the organization's business objectives.
L3[P][OPD]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Process Definition (OPD) is to establish and maintain a usable set of organizational process assets.
L3[P][OPF]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Process Focus (OPF) is to plan and implement organizational process improvement based on a thorough understanding of the current strengths and weaknesses of the organization's processes and process assets.
L4[P][OPP]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Process Performance (OPP) is to establish and maintain a quantitative understanding of the performance of the organization's set of standard processes in support of quality and process-performance objectives, and to provide the process performance data, baselines, and models to quantitatively manage the organization's projects.
L3[P][OT]{PS}The purpose of Organizational Training (OT) is to develop the skills and knowledge of people so they can perform their roles effectively and efficiently.
L3[E][PI]{PS}The purpose of Product Integration (PI) is to assemble the product from the product components, ensure that the product, as integrated, functions properly, and deliver the product.
L2[M][PMC]{PS}The purpose of Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) is to provide an understanding of the project's progress so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken when the project's performance deviates significantly from the plan.
L2[M][PP]{PS}The purpose of Project Planning (PP) is to establish and maintain plans that define project activities.
L2[S][PPQA]{PS}The purpose of Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) is to provide staff and management with objective insight into processes and associated work products.
L4[M][QPM]{PS}The purpose of the Quantitative Project Management (QPM) process area is to quantitatively manage the project's defined process to achieve the project's established quality and process-performance objectives.
L3[E][RD]{PS}The purpose of Requirements Development (RD) is to produce and analyze customer, product, and product-component requirements.
L2[E][REQM]{PS}The purpose of Requirements Management (RM) is to manage the requirements of the project's products and product components and to identify inconsistencies between those requirements and the project's plans and work products.
L3[M][RSKM]{PS}The purpose of Risk Management (RSKM) is to identify potential problems before they occur so that risk-handling activities can be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the product or project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives.
L2[M][SAM]{PS}The purpose of Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) is to manage the acquisition of products from suppliers for which there exists a formal agreement.
L3[E][TS]{PS}The purpose of Technical Solutions (TS) is to design, develop, and implement solutions to requirements. Solutions, designs, and implementations encompass products, product components, and product-related life-cycle processes either singly or in combination as appropriate.
L3[E][VAL]{PS}The purpose of Validation (VAL) is to demonstrate that a product or product component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment.
L3[E][VER]{PS}The purpose of Verification (VER) is to ensure that selected work products meet their specified requirements.
Total matching records, this section: 25.
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