* * * CMMI Required/Expected Components Search Results * * *
Seeking: { [{at}] }
across all records; replacing prior results.
1637 records scanned. Unique Matches=25. Total Matches=25.
(Please note: All results should be verified against the actual CMMI, which is available free from: www.sei.cmu.edu)
SUMMARY: All Results...
CAR:Causal Analysis and Resolution
CM:Configuration Management
DAR:Decision Analysis and Resolution
IPM:Integrated Project Management
ISM:Integrated Supplier Management
IT:Integrated Teaming
MA:Measurement and Analysis
OEI:Organizational Environment for Integration
OID:Organizational Innovation and Deployment
OPD:Organizational Process Definition
OPF:Organizational Process Focus
OPP:Organizational Process Performance
OT:Organizational Training
PI:Product Integration
PMC:Project Monitoring and Control
PP:Project Planning
PPQA:Process and Product Quality Assurance
QPM:Quantitative Project Management
RD:Requirements Development
REQM:Requirements Management
RSKM:Risk Management
SAM:Supplier Agreement Management
TS:Technical Solution
Total matching records, this section: 25.
(Engine: 0.07, Site: www.rbechtold.com/cmmi07.html, Build: 09-050426)