This section includes reusable and tailorable CMMI policies and other material. This material was originally based on the Software CMM and only minor adjustments have been made to date to upgrade to the CMMI. Nonetheless, the material is still usable as a starting point. Time and resources permitting, this page will include links to an increasing set of: policies, procedures, guidelines, examples, orientation material, training material, and audit support material, such as a CMMI-DEV (v1.3) search engine.
Additionally, if interested in or using the CMMI for Services framework,
you may find the CMMI-SVC v1.3 Search Engine to be useful. (You'll also still find links to
prior search engines.)
Please note (this is the legal stuff...) that the following material is provided with absolutely nothing expressed or implied. Maybe you'll find some of this material to be a useful start, maybe not; the decision--and validation--is yours. Also, most of the following material depends extensively on the CMM and CMMI frameworks published by the CMMI Institute. There is always the possibility of transcription errors when retyping, for example, goals and key practices into these utilities. Therefore, if you intend to use any of the following material, please be sure to verify accuracy against the original CMMI Institute source documents.
Are you getting ready to charter several process action teams and spend a few hundred hours developing policies that relate to the CMMI? Instead, consider these Example (Software) Policies as a possible starting point. You just might save yourself several thousand dollars (and a few weeks or months). Note: Similar polices for levels 3 through 5 are under development and will be uploaded after completion.
Thinking of conducting software process capability audits using the CMMI? Take a look at this example Software Capability Audit Checklist. It rearranges the CMMI into similar sections. Hence, practices related to policy are grouped together, practices related to adequate funding and resources are grouped together, key practices requiring documented procedures are grouped together, etc. You may find this format for a checklist to be faster and easier to use than an area-based checklist. There is room on the form for noting the location of evidence and for adding comments.
Once you've used the above, you might start thinking that maybe a questionnaire structured along the same lines could be substantially easier for project managers to respond to. This Software Capability Questionnaire asks about various practices (again, grouped by type), and then asks about goals. Again, it may give you some ideas for your own support material.
Finally, this subject has nothing to do with Software Project Management. Nevertheless, here is a free math test generator (HTML and JavaScript). The page produces hardcopy tests (100 problems per page, randomly ordered) that can help a grade school child learn the basics and practice for in-class tests. It'll also (optionally) create an answer page so, if you prefer, you can have the kids grade their own work. There are a variety of options, so you select the test type, difficulty level, style, etc. This is currently a BETA release. Feedback welcome.
(c) CMM, CMMI, and Capability Maturity Model are registered in the U.S. Patent
Trademark Office by the CMMI Insitute and/or ISACA.
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